Raghav K. Chhetri

where imaging-related knickknacks-- is $\pi$ missing?!? What about $n$? Rayleigh or Abbe? field or focus? etc are settled once and for all!

Incoherent Image formation

The essence of incoherent image formation is captured by the following equation:

$$I_{em}(x,y) = [I_{ex}(x,y) \times S(x,y)]*P\!S\!F_{em}(x,y) + N(x,y)$$


$I_{em}(x,y)$ is the emission intensity observed at (x,y)

$I_{ex}(x,y)$ is the excitation intensity

$S(x,y)$ is the distribution of source (eg., fluorophores, emitters)

$P\!S\!F_{em}(x,y)$ is the blurring function for incoherent detection (convolution kernel)

$N(x,y)$ is additional noise

* denotes 2D convolution operation

This term, $[I_{ex}(x,y) \times S(x,y)]$, is the underlying object under observation. As seen here, it first gets blurred by a convolution kernel (PSF), then there are various noises that come for a ride, and this is the signal that we measure. Deconvolution is an attempt to solve the inverse-problem, given the measured image, an estimate of the convolution kernel and the noise

In frequency-domain, the above equation takes the following form:

$$I_{em}(k_x,k_y) = [I_{ex}(k_x,k_y) * S(k_x,k_y)] \times OT\!F_{em}(k_x,k_y)$$

where, $OT\!F_{em}(k_x,k_y)$, optical transfer function, is a Fourier transform of the point-spread function (PSF), so technically, it is a complex-valued function of spatial frequencies ($k_x$ and $k_y$), although for a PSF that is symmetric about its center, it is real-valued. It estimates how an imaging system handles various spatial frequencies as light travels from object space to image space. For a diffraction-limited optical system, the spatial frequency has a detection cutoff at $k_{em} = 2 N\!A/\lambda_{em}$. In other words, spatial frequencies higher than this don't make it through a diffraction-limited imaging system. Note that this cutoff here is taken as the inverse of Abbe lateral resolution

1-photon process

The density of flourophores excited in time $\Delta t$ during a single-photon fluorescence imaging can be written as follows (assuming fluorophores are below saturation):

$$\frac {\rho_{ex}}{\Delta t} = \rho_{o} \ \sigma_{1p} \Big[ \frac{n}{\Delta A \ \Delta t} \Big] $$


$\rho_{ex}$: Density of excited fluorophores; [Unit: Volume$^{-1}$]

$\rho_{o}$: Density of fluorophores; [Unit: Volume$^{-1}$]

$\sigma_{1p}$: Fluorophore's absorption cross-section [Unit: Area]

$n$: Number of excitation photons in $\Delta t$ across an area of $\Delta A$

Note that: $\Big[ \frac{n}{\Delta A \ \Delta t} \Big] h \nu $ is beam energy per unit time per unit area, or beam power ($P_{\nu}$) per unit area, aka beam Intensity ($I_{\nu}$) [Unit of Watt/Area$^2$]

So, the above can be re-written as:

$$\frac {\rho_{ex}}{\Delta t} = \rho_{o} \ \sigma_{1p} \Big[ \frac{P_{\nu}}{h \nu \ \Delta A} \Big] = \rho_{o} \ \sigma_{1p} \Big[ \frac{I_{\nu}}{h \nu} \Big] $$

Next, not all excited fluorophores return to ground state and emit a photon (Stokes shift). Quantum efficiency ($\phi$) quantifies this as a ratio of excited fluorophores that emit a photon and the total number of fluorophores in the excited state.

Then, the emitted photon flux ($\Phi_{em}$, number of photons emitted per sec) from a small sub-volume ($\Delta x \Delta y \ \Delta z$) can be written as:

$$ \Phi_{em} = \phi \ \frac {\rho_{ex}}{\Delta t} \ \Delta x \ \Delta y \ \Delta z = \phi \ \rho_{o} \ \sigma_{1p} \frac{P_{\nu}}{h \nu} \ \Delta y $$

From this, we see that the number of photons emitted scales linearly with excitation power (only true before saturation of excited state population is reached; you can't drive more fluorophores into excited state than what's available). Note that Y is the beam propagation direction and the beam cross-sectional area is taken as $\Delta x \ \Delta z$

During imaging, only a portion of these emitted photons are captured by the detection objective (limited by the $N\!A$). Assuming no further loss in the beam path, some loss finally occurs during the photon-to-electron conversion at the detector chip (dictated by its quantum efficiency)

Estimates for Illumination (Gaussian-beam)

Note that there is no universally agreed metric to characterize focal spot of a Gaussian beam, so different metrics are in use:

$$s_{o} = \frac{\omega_{o}} {\sqrt{2}}$$

Light-sheet thickness (FWHM)

Full-width-half-maximum (FWMH), also called half-power beam-width, has been adopted by the light-sheet community to estimate the thickness of light-sheet at the focal spot. FWHM only captures a portion of light-cone with beam intensity down to 50% of the peak. The electric field strength at this location only drops to $\sqrt{1/2}$ or 71% of the peak

$$ t_{FWHM} = \sqrt{2 \ln2} \ \omega_{o} = 2\sqrt{\ln2} \ s_{o} $$

In terms of focal spot diameter, $t_{FWHM} \ \ t_{1/e} \ \ t_{1/e^2}$ : $$= \Bigg[\frac{\sqrt{2\ln2}}{\pi} \ \ \ \ \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\pi} \ \ \ \ \frac{2}{\pi}\Bigg] \times \frac {\lambda_{LS}} {N\!A_{LS}} $$ $$\approx [0.375 \ \ \ 0.45 \ \ \ 0.64] \times \frac {\lambda_{LS}} {N\!A_{LS}}$$

$$t_{1/e} = 1.2 \times t_{FWHM}$$$$t_{1/e^2} = 1.7 \times t_{FWHM}$$

Light-sheet length (Confocal parameter)

$$ \Delta y = \frac {2 n \lambda_{L\!S}}{\pi N\!A^2_{L\!S}}$$

where, $N\!A_{LS}$ is the numerical aperture of the light-sheet excitation with a wavelength of $\lambda_{LS}$. A practical field of view (along beam propagation direction) is set by the confocal parameter of a focused Gaussian beam, which is twice the Rayleigh length

Estimates for Detection

$\lambda$ here refers to emission wavelengh, and $N\!A$ refers to the numerical aperture of the detection optics

Lateral resolution (wide-field) or Airy disk radius ($r_o$)

$$ r_o = P\!S\!F_{xy} \Bigg|_{Rayleigh} = \frac {1.22 f \lambda}{n D} = \frac {0.61 \lambda} {N\!A} $$

$f$ is the focal length of the lens, and $D$ is the aperture diameter.

Quick detour: $f/D$ is called the F-number. F-number tells us the size of the focal spot at the back focal plane in units of wavelength, when the front focal plane of the lens is evenly illuminated (note: not a Gaussian shaped illumination that falls of radially, but a uniform illumination i.e., a circ function). So, an F-number of 1 means the Airy disk radius (focal spot) will be on the order of 1 wavelength, whereas an F-number of 10 means the focal spot will be approx. 10x larger than the wavelength. In other words, F-number = 1 is a powerful lens whereas F-number = 10 is a lower power lens.

Also note that the Airy disk radius ($r_o$) approximately matches the expression for $1/e^2$ diameter of a Gaussian beam, $t_{1/e^2}$. So, the focal spot diameter of a Gaussian beam is also sometimes estimated by using the Airy disk radius expression, although the Airy disk itself has nothing to do with a Gaussian beam

Axial resolution (wide-field)

$$ P\!S\!F_{z} \Bigg|_{Rayleigh} = \frac {2 n \lambda} {N\!A^2} $$ $$ P\!S\!F_{xy} \Bigg|_{Abbe} = \frac {\lambda} {2 N\!A} $$$$ P\!S\!F_{z} \Bigg|_{Abbe} = \frac {2 \lambda} {N\!A^2} $$

Axial resolution in light-sheet imaging

$$ P\!S\!F_{z} \Bigg|_{LS}= \Bigg[\frac {2 N\!A_{LS}} {\lambda_{LS}} + \frac {n\ (1 - \cos \alpha)} {\lambda}\Bigg]^{-1}$$

where, $\alpha = \sin^{-1}(N\!A/n)$ is the detection half-angle of collected light

The first term inside the brackets is the inverse of light-sheet thickness and the second term is the inverse of the detection instrument's axial resolution.[1],[2] This equation serves as an upper-limit since all spatial frequencies are assumed to get through the instrument. As can be seen, for thin light-sheets, the first term dominates, whereas for thick light-sheets, the second term dominates. Thin or Thick with respect to what? That'd be in comparison to the depth of field (d) of the detection objective

Conceptually, imagine painting with two wet brushes-- the first brush stroke (excitation) creates a line and a much broader second brush (detection) then smears the paint in the orthogonal direction. From this picture, it's easy to see how we can reduce the smear caused by our broad second brush by using a fine brush stroke with the first one. This is essentially what lattice light-sheet does by engineering a thin Bessel beam light-sheet. Similarly, a fine brush stroke can be achieved by making a Gaussian light-sheet really thin. When the thickness starts to approach the wavelength of light though, the beam angles at focus become large and the paraxial approximation no longer applies.[3] That means, we can no longer characterize the thickness and confocal parameter of light-sheets as described above- technically non-paraxial Gaussian light-sheets at this point.

Depth of field

$$ d = \frac {1} {2} \times P\!S\!F_{z}\Bigg|_{Rayleigh} = \frac {n \lambda} {N\!A^2} $$

This is the z-range in object space (sample space) over which the object is reasonably sharp

Depth of focus

$$D = d \times \frac {M^2}{n} = \frac {M^2 \lambda}{N\!A^2}$$

This in contrast is the z-range in image space over which the image remains reasonably sharp


Optical tools

  1. To detect individual spikes, jGCaMP7s/f
    • Need high sensitivity (SNR) for single action potential
    • jGCaMP7s (single AP SNR of 17) and jGCaMP7f (signel AP SNR of 9) are ideal
    • Kinetics (single AP): Similar half-rise time (70-75 ms), half-decay time of 1.7 sec/520 ms for jGCaMP7s/jGCaMP7f
  1. To image neurites and neuropil or sparsely labeled neurons, jGCaMP7b
    • Need brighter baseline fluorescence to pick out weak signals from small features
    • Kinetics (single AP): half-rise time of 80 ms, half-decay time of 850 ms
  1. To image dense population of neurons in wide-field, light-sheet microscopes, jGCaMP7c
    • Need high contrast with low baseline fluorescence to reduce background signal from neuropil and inactive neurons
    • Kinetics (single AP): half-rise time of 85 ms, half-decay time of 900 ms


[1] Engelbrecht CJ, Stelzer EH (2006) Resolution enhancement in a light-sheet-based microscope (SPIM). Opt Lett 31:1477–1479
[2] Gao L et. al., (2014) 3D live fluorescence imaging of cellular dynamics using Bessel beam plane illumination microscopy. Nat Protoc 9:1083–1101
[3] Nemoto S (1990) Nonparaxial Gaussian beams. Appl Opt 29:1940
[4] Dana H et. al., (2019) High-performance calcium sensors for imaging activity in neuronal populations and microcompartments. Nat Methods 16:649–657
[5] Doug Murphy: Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging
[6] Inoue S, Oldenbourg R (1994) Microscopes. Handb Opt Vol 2 Devices, Meas Prop:1568